EU forbyder kryptotjenester til russere i nye sanktioner over Ukraine-eskalering

An array of crypto-related services have been targeted in the latest round of sanctions on Russia approved by the EU. The measures are part of an expected tightening of the economic and financial restrictions in response to Moscows decision to annex

Elektricitetsforbrug af russiske kryptominearbejdere spidser 20 Gange ind 5 Flere år, Forskningsfund

Kraftbehovet hos cryptocurrency-minearbejdere i Rusland er vokset betydeligt siden 2017, med en 20-dobling af forbruget af elektrisk energi over den femårige periode. I 2021, prægningen af ​​mønten med den største markedsværdi, bitcoin, påkrævet 1.25 gigawatts

Kædelyserapport siger $2.2 Millioner i krypto er blevet sendt til pro-russiske grupper i Ukraine

Ifølge en rapport, der stammer fra blockchain-efterretningsfirmaet Chainalysis, det identificerede firma 54 pro-russiske grupper, der har “samlet modtaget over $2.2 cryptocurrency for en værdi af millioner.” De paramilitære grupper i Ukraine modtog primært bitcoin- og etherdonationer, men fik også…

Krypto-minefarm afsløret i Ruslands ældste fængsel

Russian law enforcement officials are investigating a crypto mining operation at Butyrka, Rusland’s oldest prison. A deputy warden has been accused of stealing electricity to mint digital coins with the help of unidentified accomplices. Deputy Warden Suspected of Mining Cryptocurrency in

Elektricitetsforbruget stiger i Irkutsk, efterhånden som flere russere begynder at udvinde kryptovaluta

Electricity suppliers in the Russian region of Irkutsk have registered a surge in power consumption in residential areas which they are blaming on cryptocurrency mining. Planes with mining equipment from restricted China continue to land in the region, and cases of

Strømafbrydelser i Ruslands Irkutsk-region beskyldes for hjemmeminearbejdere

Russians mining cryptocurrency in their homes have been blamed for the problems with the electricity supply in Irkutsk. Power outages have become a frequent occurrence in the region which maintains the lowest electricity rates in Russia. Subsidized household energy has turned

Den russiske regering tillader regioner at hæve elpriserne for kryptominearbejdere

The federal government in Moscow has permitted regions to determine local electricity tariffs for the population, a measure that will affect crypto mining at homes. Subsidized household electricity in Russia is often used to mint digital currencies in basements and garages….